Wednesday, June 21, 2006


And the cupboard was bare. Well, it wasnt, but it pretty much is now! Let's see, in the fridge I have some cheese, some oyster sauce, raspberry jam, lemon curd and plum sauce. Rather heavy on the sauces, no? In the freezer are the herrings, a very few peas, the chicken bones I'm saving for stock and a load of mozarella and frozen baps (of the floury variety, I'm not some hack-up-a-woman freak, at least not yet). Cupboard has the delights of flour, some onions and garlic, one egg, some chinese noodles, the amazing chinese chicken powder with its heartburn inducing properties, cashew nuts, some lasagne sheets and pasta quills, the curry paste, cornflour and cocunut milk, and an odd collection of spices. I'm not getting any ideas from that lot. There's a missing ingredient from everything I can think of to make tomorrow! And I only need another couple of meals.....not even any butter and marg left to make sandwiches.......I might be resorting to toasted cheese, to follow the cheese sandwich of tomorrow lunch....and a one-egg omelette would be more than pathetic. So I'm open to suggestions. And 'go to the supermarket' doesnt count. And vile combinations of crushed up dry pasta coconut milk, dusted with paprika also dont count.

What has happened today? Isolated a very tiddly amount of my useful amide, so I'll be repeating that reaction methinks. Listened to the last of the 3rd-year talks (congrats to Barry) and copped a very timely free lunch - tuna overdose - and seemed to do a lot of washing up. More is on the cards since I'm scrubbing the floors tonight (and not the other day like I said). Rather a nice day, all in all, what with the much appreciated text messages from P. And the load of forbidden coffee. I badly need to rehydrate......

Also a hello to Miss Nelson and best house-moving wishes! Load distribution in your car is less important than actually being able to get inside it to drive. But I'm sure you'll sort it all out....


Blogger Graeme said...

Always thought you were a bit saucy....lmao

25/6/06 4:55 PM  

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