Friday, June 16, 2006

Back on the wagon

Well, seem to be back to normal after yesterday's head-in-a-spin situation; only goes to show that these things are only temporary, eh? To quote: 'this being, that becomes; upon the arising of this, that arises; this not being, that does not become; upon the cessation of this, that ceases'. Need reminding of that more often, maybe.

A semi-productive day. Mostly putting things into order and doing quite a bit of thinking, though of course I managed a sneaky little reaction on the way (with the immense fun of distilling half a litre of nail varnish thrown in for good measure), which is busy forming lovely crystals as we speak! A big chance to think about this idea the boss has gotten into his head, which I'm more than a little dubious about in terms of how successful it'll be! Have to discuss it next week. Also have to steel myself to the writing-up of my previous work never the most interesting thing to do and a right pain in the arse in fact owing to the low computer-to-person ratio in the lab. This is why I should have already installed Office onto my comp, a bugger that ChemDraw doesnt link with the software I have. Anyhoo. A problem group meetingy thing in the middle of the day, and I'm getting a little bit annoyed with myself that I feel so absolutely thick in them all the time. I mean, I know I'm not, and what I should probably do is actually look at these things in more detail, but I seem to have got it into my head that I should find them easy when I blatantly dont. Perhaps investing some time at home puzzling them over would be a good thing to do. *shrugs* Perhaps the lack of motivation to do so is a bit of a clue to something or other......

Weekend is shaping up to be rather slow. I'm going to do some errand running tomorrow and maybe treat myself to a shop in the covered market for purchase of nice foody stuff. A socket set also needs to be bought, a chain needs to be lubed and an MOT needs to be booked! Not to mention washing of bedsheets and trousers and probably tons of other stuff. And then I'm going to see Dad on Sunday, for no other reason than I havent seen him for a while and havent been home since I shifted all my rubbish down to Leeds back in January. And it's supposed to be good weather, so it'll be a good run out! Nice.

Slightly worried I havent been able to raise P on the phone yet, hope he's OK. Not been sleeping too good, poor boy......

Back to life at this end. Little bit of tidying, cup of tea, bath. Bed? I think so!


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