Monday, June 19, 2006


Monday again. Never the best day of the week, is it? This week was no exception. Having spent yesterday at Dad's and Saturday on the roads, I've neglected to do any shopping whatsoever, so of course this meant no breakfast-type foods. Actually that's a lie, just no carbohydrate-based breakfast-type foods. So I ate half of the yoghurt I did have and headed to work, all bright and cheerful.

Nice to listen to music, and today has been rather musical all round, what with the CD player, my listening to the iPod and humming Prokofiev a bit too loudly and Dan's whistling of 'Winter Wonderland' in a highly summer-themed afternoon. Great stuff. Much of the morning spent setting up a few reactions, one of which has actually turned out to work rather nicely if in cruddy yield, but I'm just happy it's worked as it will make my life one helluva lot easier. And I might be able to throw away the hideous mess that is my oxidation.....but by the by......

Much coffee consumed today, and I'll be repaying it tomorrow with itchy arms that I can feel busting through already. I think I shall be purchasing a big load of juice for tomorrow, as I really cant be having with crap skin, it's just so painful. Though tomorrow is actually going to be a day away from the lab, as it's the day of presentations by final years PhDs. Should be interesting, though it's a shame I have to run away half-way through to take the bike to the MOT squad. Though that shouldnt take too long, and I can be back by 2, hopefully! Also means that I can buy lunch and not worry about making it, a bit of a relief.

Dinner this evening has been part of the healthy drive of today, consisting of lots of lard items. Pasta carbonara, to be precise, so quite fatty yet very nice. And salty. My kidneys must be having a whale of a time, eh? Speaking of cooking, I've got another treat for you all, with my housemates weird cooking thoughts. This is the 'mince-in-a-stir-fry-(that-isnt-a-stir-fry)' guy, who today decided to cook some eggs in the microwave. The mind boggles. Two sodding eggs in a plastic tub, zapped in a microwave. Like cooking eggs on the hob-top is so arduous and creates so much mess and is actually far simpler not to balls up, right? Bejaysus, but my inner gastronome is having kittens.........

Tomorrow evening will be scrub the bathroom evening. Just for fun. Life is dead good, isnt it?


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