Sunday, September 17, 2006

Droopy-eyed and faced

Meh. It's been a good week this week, lovely and quiet at work allowing me to get lots of comp work done without being disturbed, and much less of the usual teeth-grinding. And big news on the lab front is the coming rearrangement and redistribution of fume hoods.

Now, I can see the benefit in having a big clean-up - god knows we're filthy buggers - but shifting people around for the sake of it seems a little pointless, when a few tactical shunts would do the job just as well. But in this case I'm really complaining for no reason, since I've drawn the lucky long straw and dont actually have to move at all (:-). But changes going on around me mean that I'm switching from being in an all-female bay to being in an all male one. Deary me, will I be able to cope with the testosterone? Ordinarily I'd be quite all right with it, but it doesnt seem quite kosher to perve over people you know quite well, and dont actually fancy. Maybe the new first-years will turn up good? But I really shouldnt think like that! Rest assured, dear readers, that I'm not the rancid type who seduces the little'uns from a position of trust. Natch.

Also had a visit from the guy who does the maintenance on the house, nice bloke, who's been in touch with landlady who seems concerned over nobody moving into house. Well, to be fair, I'm really not surprised any more, now that I've had a look around at other available lets. She's asking quite an expensive price for the place, and I've seen quite a few ones open that are for less money and all inc. So she's priced out of the market. I should really jump ship myself, only it's such a hassle to move everything and sort out the bills and suchlike shite. Maybe I should do it anyway, it'd be good for me - but then there'd be the parking issue all over again! Speaking of which, bike was left on the usual spot, it will hopefully still be there and untouched and nice when I return! Must remember to fill up with petrol on Monday morning.

Came down on the train to see P again, we're both having a bit of a hard time being apart at the moment, probably kick-started by my spending the week here. But it seems like we're both agreed that we want to move in together and start a cozy love-nest (an insane cozy love-nest, but never mind) at the earliest opportunity. Unfortunately, this earliest opportunity is not yet foreseeable, what with me needing a new job and whatnot. I'm going to be spending quite a bit of time in the future sending out applications and speculative letters and suchlike rubbish. Should really see if I can contact Caterina's boyf Gavin and ask for some inside information!

Reading on the train was most relaxed, amusing review of the Scissor Sisters new album and free wallchart for the lab (remind me to bring it in, someone), though I'm already sick of the new track. Calm journey across London - it's lovely when the tub works properly - and then onto the shuttle to Brighton for a little bit of greek on the train and perhaps the huffiest bloke sitting opposite from Clapham. Ah well.

A lovely Friday evening then spent, and an even lovelier Saturday watching shit film and a better film, generally just chilled. Today holds the prospect of getting home late and feeling miserable, and then being hungry tomorrow owing to lack of shopping. I'll have to get some food in, I'm running more than a bit short! And then there's the booking of train tickets to worry about, and also tutorial stuff to ferret out from appropriate goes on, doesnt it?

Nods out to Janer who's somewhere in the States - yes, we're crap at keeping in touch, but I've not spoken to Jo in over a year now *goggle eyes* and should really do something about that! Have a wicked time, and I'll see you next year......


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