Wednesday, September 13, 2006


That is, in the sense of 'useless' like 'I'm hopeless at...washing a chicken (exo gratia)'

Cant be dealing with this real life thing. I've been wearing my rose-tinted specs for too long, since I've had a pretty smooth ride of it and not had much in the way of money hassles, for all that I moan about it. But I'm mildly concerned about not having much to show for having worked for eight months - I've paid off my overdraft (though I'm still using it, silly me) - but I still havent sorted out a lot of my issues, like changing my accounts so that I get a bit more interest, and cancelling some of my overdraft, and and's all so much of a hassle. Add to this the unending stress of dealing with service industries, where you waste a fortune on calling them (the only way you can reliably get them to do as you want - they can only accept payments online and just cack up your life if you need anything else) just to tell them they arent doing their job properly. What a bummer.

And I'm a little worried about P, though I know I shouldn't be, on simillar kind of levels. The rallying cry here is 'it's not fair', but then it isnt likely to get any fairer anytime soon. And I dont want to have all the troubles of looking for work, it's just such a pain in the arse.......I'll have to take what I can damn well get, and that's more than depressing. (:-((((

*hugs* are needed, and so if any of you feel like dropping me one, then I'll return the favour.....


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