Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ooooh, dilemma

There's quite a bit of road-hacking up going on at the end of my street, most of it in the middle of the road where for some reason they are putting in traffic islands (why, who knows, they could be more concerned about filling in the potholes in the roads elsewhere)....the bits have been up in the road for a while now, but now they've started doing the bit at the end of my street on the corner. The corner where there's a handy unused bit of space I've been parking my bike on since about May. And this evening I come back to find a load of the building stuff left on it.

Now, this would not ordinarily bother me since I'd be up, on the bike and away to work before the diggers start, but tomorrow I was going to leave the bike at home since I'm off to Brighton for the weekend again (I know, I know!), which means the bike will be there to perhaps get in the way. Now, I'm loathe to park it anywhere else since I know a) how useless car drivers are at judging the distance to it, since I've been knocked over three times already and b) I'm not sure I'd be comfy parking around the city for all and sundry to gawk at and it be a new thing.

So, do I leave the bike there are have it in the way of the diggers and them maybe bashing it about? I'm not quite sure of whether I'm allowed to park where I am, but the bike was sitting there for at least two weeks while they dug up the road so they must have seen it there, and it's perhaps better that I leave it there now while I can still park it and not have to worry about getting in-an-out. Anyhew.

I think it best to leave it there. Parking at the station just isnt an option, and I dont know anyone else I'd be comfy about leaving it with. Hey ho. I'll just put it from my mind......


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