Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Cant keep away

A posting for all you Jon-ster fans out there. I just cant help myself when in comes to this typing thing....

First and foremost, a little message for P: kalosopais. I'll explain it when I see you!

Second of all, it's now official that I'm leaving work at Easter, for better or worse. Hopefully better, and I should damn well hope so! Job hunting to commence as soon as possible, kinda brings a whole memento mori to the proceedings, or more likely memento you have to eat. I feel a whole lot better now for having made it official though.

Third of all (and henceforth dispensing with the numbering), I'm feeling incredibly bad that I've not talked to anyone in far too long. Obviously my taste does tend towards the hermitic. This is not good.

Solving Sudoku at a rate of knots at the moment. Totally addictive. Just like coffee. Tell me, do I have an addictive personality? It seems I do. Good job I never did try drugs when I was younger, I'd be lying smacked up in a alley somewhere round about now. Interesting thought, that......

Having a bit of a bizarre thing with my bike at present, whereby I desperately want to ride but also dont. Think it's the onset of autmun, and the prospect of having to wash her in the pouring rain, and ride into work amongst crazy car drivers in ditto. Not so much fun. Ah well.

Managed to tidy up my crap this evening, and have rediscovered the train tickets that had been lost (hooray!), but not the software CD that actually belongs to P (hooroo). Bugger. Have also managed to hoover, a shocking event if ever there was one. I feel so clean and pure - makes a change, huh?


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