Monday, September 04, 2006


Welcome to September.

Been away for a very nice relaxing week, hence no posts here. Perhaps much to tell? Not really, I've not done a whole lot that is very interesting (or at least that I'm going to blog here), and now I'm back home at the start of my usual Monday depression. But it's OK this week, because it's only for three days!

Not taking bike to work this morning, for no real reason other than that I cant be bothered with the hassle of trying to start her and turn her over a bit to make sure she's good. Should do that this evening, but she also needs a wash and a lube, and the house needs cleaning, especially sorting out my room (which is a tip). There are several things I need to find, such as bills to pay and tickets that I need....ah well, disorganisation is my stock in trade these days, eh?

Good to be back in the blogosphere, but there are always reservations I have about being here.....


Blogger Graeme said...

reservations young man? Glad to see you're back in the land of bloggage!

5/9/06 1:04 AM  

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