Thursday, August 24, 2006

Mirror of souls

I've just had a little bit of a 'wow' moment. Just realised that I actually have no personality of my own.

Yes, a bold statement! And hardly a very complimentary one, no? What I really mean is that I, me, myself is built up of so many character traits that I've nicked from other people, there's actually very little of my own in there. So in effect, 'I' as a person dont exist, except in the sense that other people exist and I reflect them. Is this a good thing? Possibly not.

But it also shows just how communal life is. I'd hate to be ground-breaking all the time, and in all due fairness I learn my turns of phrase from people around me, and what is acceptable to one group is less acceptable to others.....*shrugs* anyhow, a nice day to realise in another sense, I'm something made up!

Res cogitans, eh? Well, if I only exist when I'm thinking, then perhaps people who dont think dont exist either, and all those annoying persons are just figments of my (very warped) imagination.

Corollary: if I'm made up of lots of bits of other people, then other people also are made of bits of other people, psychologically.

In which case follow several possibilites;
  1. There is in fact a single personality in the world that everyone else has pinched, and a very irate someone is going to start demanding royalties very soon;
  2. There is in fact a single personality in the world that everyone partakes of, and everyone is in fact the same person (who is both self-hating and self-loving all at the same time, just to add a little paradox)
  3. There is in fact no personality in the world, and all these moving things dont exist.
Conclusion: Jon-ster is crazier than a shoebox full of hairy loons. Or why waste a chance to use the phrase 'nuttier than a fruit-cake', even though a fruit cake may, in point of fact, not contain any nuts or nut-derived products. Ahem.


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