Monday, September 11, 2006

And the rest is....

It's been ever so quiet at work today. We've been missing four people from the group, all male, all talkative and so there's been a considerable drop in volume today. Also I think we havent had a third stereo on to increase the volume level. It's been nice and relaxing, and condusive to work. Nice.

Rest of the feeling of the day is less good, Jon-ster has been a bit not happy because of enforced re-purchase of bike cover (I'll chin the bastard that took it with me lid on if i find him) and composition of paper involving much phaffing. It has to be done tomorrow though, and done it shall be. I'm leaving off the practical work a little, since it's been getting on my nerves more than a little! Also miss P big time (:-( - and I can make an official note that I am not to refer to him as 'Mr grumps' or 'gramps' or '*insert insult here*' ever again!

Lonely house....still no-one moving in and no-one coming to look......eerie.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you :)

12/9/06 3:18 PM  

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