Friday, August 11, 2006

Crunchie advert

Today is shaping up into a slow day. This is of course not a problem, but I'm rather bored of formatting document at the moment. Still, there isnt anything else I can feasibly do without opening a whole new can of chemistry worms. So we'll just leave the worms in their can and get back to arse-ing about with Word. Delight.

House feels incredibly empty at the moment, maybe I do need the presence of someone else to keep me sane! Or else I might start having Miss Haversham moments, and that would not be a pretty sight. Not that I've been jilted at an altar or anything, but there you go.

This Life watching continues apace. There is rather a lot more of it that I remember in the past, but I suppose just an hour out of your week is considerably less noticed that spending four hours a day glued to something. Still, it is as enjoyable as then, and it gives me something to do for oooh, another week at most.

Bumped into ex-weird-cookery housemate this morning at the station. He seems to be a lot happier than before, though it's hard to tell through his gruff yaaarkshire exterior. He's obviously living a lot closer than I thought. Never mind, eh?

Managed to talk to my antipodean aquaintance again last night, hadnt spoken in quite a while. He seems to be doing fine, but I'm never sure - since he never has any news to tell! Maybe he's really a dealer and really doesnt do anything during the day. *shrugs* Well, I suppose it means I have free room, board and hallucinogens when I finally trog off round the world. And there's the standing invite from the aunts and uncles, though bearing in mind the disarray of some of them, it might not be such a good thing! Actually, this just reminds me of a dream I had last night; that my cousin (the freaky one) had murdered somebody and was awaiting trial, and I was receiving all the news about it in a 'round robin' letter in the style of my Aunt Claire. Most odd. Quite disturbing. But sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes a cigar is just a big cigar-shaped penis.



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