Monday, August 07, 2006

Landlady - she crazy

Landlady is having quite a loopy idea. In a rush of paranoia that no-one is moving in, she's coming back to show people round, and somehow acquired the idea that the large fridge in the dining room is a factor in putting people off.

The dining room is actually the wrong name for it, it's a kitchen-dining room, with the weeny kitchen squeezed in the corner and no far too tiny for a house this size - and the whole lot would be better served by a conversion into a larger kitchen and smaller space for something else.

As it is, there's a really small fridge in the kitchen, perhaps enough for one person to use and not be packing it too tight. So the other, big, upright, 5'7"-or-so tall one is a godsend. And not too far away against the opposite wall in this cavernous room. But now it is to be moved into the cellar to keep it out of the way - where it'll be absolutely no bloody use to man nor beast - because that's a ridiculous place to be storing things you need in the sodding kitchen, right?

A nice idea that we can keep things in there 'that we dont use that often', but I'm sorry, it's a fridge because it's for containing things that *do* go off quite quickly and hence require cool storage - but this is not sustained for long periods. What could we possibly want to store in a fridge in such large quantity? Freezer, yes - but fridge? The woman is mad.

Hopefully it'll never make it, even though the man is supposed to come and shift it tomorrow. Keep you fingers x-d people, otherwise it'll be a nightmare sharing a short fridge with 3 other people, beacuse who is going to be bothered in going downstairs to get stuff just to make a sandwich? It'll all get rammed into the small one, things will get worked to the back and it'll all go mank. Big fridge should remain upstairs. Grrrrrr.

I know, I know, I'm all totally obsessive and silly about this - but I've just blitzed the house so I dont get an earful from her about how clean it is. I'm not the happiest bunny, and I need a hug. And I'm not getting one until Friday at the earliest (:-(

Time for dinner.


Blogger Graeme said...

Gotta say, a fridge in the cellar is just stupid. I guess the only use would be if you were having a large amount of alcohol delivered that you wanted to keep "ready to drink"...but then does still leave you in the proverbial brown stuff when it comes to "making a sandwich". I assume the big fridge won't fit into the space currently occupied by the small one..?

8/8/06 2:32 PM  
Blogger J said...

Not a chance. The little one is under the kitchen worktop.....I think I've just about come to terms with it though - but had a bit of a bad wheezy night last night owing to dust raising from excessive sweeping; it's not a good thing!

8/8/06 5:20 PM  
Blogger Graeme said...

Sounds like a royal pain in the backside sir. Have an E-hug. ((o)) ahh. You'll have to make do with that till you see ur lover. :-)

9/8/06 12:05 AM  

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