Friday, August 04, 2006

Weekend is here!

So it is. And it is actually Quite Nice at the moment (capitals indicate how important this is), so I may be just off out for a little ride or so.....though I dont know where I'll be going to. And off home tomorrow for family hideousness involving four generations - think the baby gets the best deal out of it, lucky bugger!

Had a little bit of a retrospective in my head, and I think I've actually achieved quite a bit in the past month or so. I'm rather pleased with myself, really, and so I'm going to be smug for a bit. Bet it's all a house of cards though, that will come tumbling down at the first opportunity........

No idea of what to have for dinner tonight though; it may be just a sandwich crust and a lot of gripes and groans - that or pasta. Oh, joy.

Heaps of supposedly clean laundry are still occupying my floor space. Shall I put them away? Hmmmm, difficult one. I could just not bother, and slowly wear them all again until there are sufficiently few left that I can bear the idea of shelving them. That appeals. And probably says a lot about me, no?

Oh, bugger, but I need a drink and a bite to eat!


Blogger Graeme said...

I'm a great lover of the whole wearing clothes from a pile rather than putting them away. I think it's because putting clothes away is just so boring. And you're only going to get them out again to wear what's the point?!

And get some food in..before your readers feel compelled to send up food parcels hehee

6/8/06 3:23 AM  

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