Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Why am I feeling like there is impending doom creeping up on me?

Maybe it's just natural human paranoia. Maybe it's just me. Who knows? All that I know is that I'm investing far too much worry over landlady and house, when really, I shouldnt be giving a toss. But I'm like that, I guess, a lovely born worrier!

Looks like I'm going to have to re-start the water bill for August, pretending that we're new or something. Not sure that housemate has actually been paying the bills, since he hasnt asked me for any money - but we've not had any final demands or owt either. Oh, to be living in alone! Or at least to be in charge of the bills, I really should have just done it off bat from the start, despite grumbling of odd-cooking housemate. Anyway.

Today has been a nice day, all things considered. Managed to get a lot of the crappy little jobs done that always get pushed further and further back, and discovered some gaps in my data that need filling! Have also had to return to Southampton work for purposes of paper composition, and it is quite, quite depressing. Never mind, wont have to think about it for too much more! And I can get all of that done this week while the boss is away.

Also getting a spot on my cheek. This is not a good thing. And eczema is 'up' on my legs, possibly due to manic cleaning but also due to excessive scratching. May have to resort to thin layer of steroids. Not good. Caffeine cutback shall begin.

I'm all out for now, and typing is actually making my wrists tinge. Too much wanking, obviously.


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