Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Oooh, dear.....

Just having a totally weirded-out moment just now. And I apologise in advance to some of my loyal readers, because the following - if you arent aware of the cultural reference - is going to make Absolutely No fucking Sense (on which program next week I shall be waxing an owl.....)

Down to brass tacks. Hands up those who remember This Life? Absolute corker of a TV show, and I originally watched most of it as a 16-year old guilty secret on the black-and-white set in my room (usually reserved for the Spectrum+3!). And at the time I probably shouldnt have been watching it (tee hee), since it is rather adult and has a lot of shagging and drug huffing and whatnot. And at the time it must have affected me more than I remember.

Well, just bought the entire box set this weekend for a bit of a blast-from-the-past watching extravaganza, and I'm totally freaked out by the Warren storyline, since it speaks so many volumes about the way I behaved for the next five years or so. Except I'm not about to flip out about yoghurt or get caught cottaging (oh please, I cant stand the smell of pee at the best of times). I even used to have the same flippin' curtains. Dear oh dear.

Of course, this does mean I based my late teen and early tweenage years on a BBC2 drama series. This is a bit of a shocking revelation, and not one the shall be referred to ever again. Clear? Clear. Good. Now, piss-taking may commence.......

And I havent phoned anyone yet!


Blogger Graeme said...

hey I LOVED This Life, and Im even younger than you...so I was being very naughty. I loved Miles and Egg, and so hoped they'd turn gay. I was disappointed they stopped at only 2 series....

9/8/06 12:02 AM  

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