Monday, August 07, 2006

It was late and I felt like blogging

Plus it's rather warm and swelter-y. Not pleasant for going to sleep. Not to mention fact that I havent got any instant-sleep-device on the go (a.k.a. some book or other), which means I'll probably be awake for a while yet.....but this is not a good thing, it being Monday and work tomorrow!

Today was spent mostly riding, once I'd not had much breakfast but devoured a newspaper. Not really going very far, but enough to entertain me. One thing did come to light though; I really paid no attention whatsoever when I was young. This is the instance; we as a family often used to go to Brimham Rocks for a day out, plenty of fun to be had scrambling over rocks or picking bilberries. But I would have sworn blind that Brimham was in Co. Durham. Not so, it's actually somewhere not far from Harrogate. How did I get this far without realising this? Oblivious childhood, positively oblivious.

I can also add the following cars (or their drivers) to my list of irks; Beamers (rhymes with 'unt') and Ford Mondeos (rhymes with an alternative comparative for 'more cross').

Will be alone in house, probably from next weekend. I could get used to it all too easily. Think I may have to invite people over just for the sake of it. All friends and sundry who read this, feel free to drop by for a day or a week, hell, why not stay a month or two!

Starting to see that I'll be worrying about the 'say when the job is over' deadline. Hmmm. Bit of a life-deciding moment coming up, I think.....something I'm going to have to talk through very carefully with some hand-picked people......


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