Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Feeling a lot better now that I'm home and have eaten. Empty stomach does wonders for making the brain addled. That famous quote about a society being only three meals away from revolution? I reckon it's more like two.........

The fridge is now downstairs, pointless poinlessitatum et omnia pointless, but we're (I'm!) just going to have to live with that. Housemate is busy shuttling stuff out to his car and new place - he's only moving up the hill, hardly seems worth it except he'll probably save himself a packet - and so I'm feeling the need for a bath and a sleep. Hopefully better than last night with the tight chest and the anxious. Ooooh, light bulb moment there - maybe I'm a bit wheezy because I'm rather stressed! All is now clear.....

Still, at least I get to have a relaxed weekend away, and I'm moving ever closer to my week of holiday and niceness. And this evening I'm going to call some people and have big chats......


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