Monday, June 26, 2006

Mixed Bag

Bit of a mixture today. As usual, post-Brighton Monday was a bit traumatic for a while, though I'm getting more used to having to deal with it (and the 'I've got no food, bugger' problem). Work today was much more evenly paced, I've worked my way past the 'get all excited and try and do too much work' thing, at least I hope. So slightly more relaxed than before - though I've still got this report to trog through (:-( .

Have also discoverd something interesting. I tend to sit in my chair with my comp in my lap (s'why we call it a laptop, huh?) and my feet stuck on the end of the bed, it being a convenient height. Except that extended periods sat in this position mean that I do something funny to my legs, so that when I stand up again, the tendons are used to being a little under tension and so are trying to overcompensate. Net result: walking like some kind of idiot and nearly falling down the stairs. What do bruises mean? Prizes!

Also spent a bit of this afternoon just kicking back and being a bit daft, like I used to in Southampton. A good feeling, though towards the end for some reason it started feeling like a bit of a guilty pleasure. Less of a good feeling. Dont know why, but I get some inkling of something funny about that in the air in the group. *shrugs* Maybe I'm not used to feeling a bit of pressure at work, JDK certainly never turned the screw on me, so I perhaps am just unnerved by it.

Also, with my demotion from top-spot google hit of myself, I discover that Steve in the group has plenty of namesakes, but that they've all been complied onto a single webpage in a 'which Steve are you looking for' stylee. I'm not jealous at all, no sirree.

Had a bit of a chat to Carole on the phone this evening, and I will be going to visit next weekend. That's a trip to Edinburgh, lovely lovely lovely, which mean almost from one end of the country to the other over two weekends! I get around, huh? Will be nice to see her again, I used to enjoy living with her (oh so long ago it seems). Though all the travel may kill me, since I'm back off to Brighton the weekend after! May never spend another weekend in Yorkshire, who knows!

Apologies also go out to the Very Nice Friendly Young Lady Who Is Amazing And Fab And Not At All Like Alces alces, because it appears I've been a little offensive. Was not meant, perhaps I should think about these things a bit more!

Off for a bath. And then a nice big cup of tea after the bath. And then bed. Fan-tooting-tastic.


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