Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday evening trauma....

Well, Friday passed off OK. Group meetings are always a bit of a torture - though I still havent worked out why, used to love doing all that stuff in soton.....again, maybe it's a self-pressure thing. Hmmm. Anyhow, a very relaxed friday afternoon, filling in the lab book and discovering that I had managed to make the simple stuff that I had wanted to - albeit full of bloody pyridinium salts still. And no, I cant wash them out 'cos I tried and washed out loads of my stuff too......alas, alack, methinks I shall have to try TEA......and now enough chemistry blatherings.

Bit annoyed, since the bar stop on my bike basically fell off today. Probably from too much hard riding earlier in the week. Kudos to the guys who fixed it though; let me explain the whole story. After the incident of 'some arsing car driver knocks my bike over and totally dents the bar stop, the screw threads in them were totally bent and shafted. So when I got my repairs done, they appear to have drilled out the old screw (lodged in there) and just really wedged the new one in - and to be fair, it's held for a long time and I always used to keep unscrewing my stops on ride without realising it (too much squirting with the wrist....). Anyhow, I cant seem to repair it myself and dont want to resort to superglue because that's a kind of no-going-back thing. Which means I've got no stop on my right handlebar again, arse. Make the bike look more tatty than it is.

Anyhow, I scooted off again this evening for some very stressful riding to Huddersfield where I became completely lost and took a detour to Halifax on the way to Barnsley. Oops, eh? Never mind. And then headed for Rochdale and crossed over Bronte country and headed for Skipton. Where some idiot decides to sit up my arse along the dual carriageway. Now, I'm kinda at fault here since I was in the RH lane and not passing any traffic - but I was already doing about a hundred (tut tut, yes I know) and there was no-one behind me at all! Which means he must have come up behind me doing at least 130 in his crappy little Vauxhall. And then undertook me. Gimp. So after going over the roundabout further up, I decided to burn him out, which I did - with a little bit of a bashing-the-bishop symbol going on, and I left him quite far behind. Until he decides to come up after me at speed (I was slowing for another roundabout, turning right and again in the RH lane) and do a right hander round this roundabout from the LH lane - when there were actually lane markings explicitly showing the contrary. Twat. And so I decided to tail him for the rest of the way, and he couldnt get away much as he might try! So I gave him a little wave in his mirror and kept at him.

Git. And he got royally cut up on another roundabout by a perfectly normal and sensible driver, which really made my day.

But I fell really bad with all the speeding and the road rage incident.. I shouldnt let myself get dragged into these things, and so the lesson for today is to let these things go, and become a better (and more alive) rider for it all.


Anyhow, I didnt end up stopping in Skipton after all this, but came home by a circuitous route! Back along the moors road at immense speed, following another biker and, while not keeping pace completely, trying to do so. Showed me a lot of things that I need to work on - like concentrating the whole time and not taking things faster than I am comfortable with anytime, but also that I can afford to be a little bit more decisive when overtaking, rather than hanging about. I'm getting more of a fine judge of what I can do. Though my chain will definitely need a sort out soon!

Back home now to a distinct lack of food in the house. Arse. Never mind, eh? Nothing for breakfast tomorrow either! But then I'm off to bonnie Scotland to see Carole.....


Blogger Graeme said...

Hey mate. I ususally find that if I get a bit of road rage, I shout at the person from behind my little steering wheel, have a rant and a moan, then tis all done and dusted. I do tend to find other people take it a little further sometimes. I'm kind of reknowned for my lack of concentration behind the wheel...usually due to some nice man walking along the side of the road ;-)...and quite often find myself getting honked at becuase I've just cut someone up, or the lights have gone green. Miracle really that I've never had a real accident I guess.

BTW, the cheeky wave in his mirror...nice touch!

1/7/06 1:20 PM  
Blogger J said...

Yes, that one was nice, but I'm more than ashamed by the wrist action.....never mind. More difficult to fume inside your lid because there is less space for it to disperse!

Anyhow, it's been pissing it down here, so I certainly wont be doing anything simillar till the roads are dry again......and cant wear my red leathers till it's not wet either - and I think there's an attitude connection there too......

2/7/06 10:37 PM  

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