Monday, May 22, 2006

Flamin' knackered

That's what I am. Absolutely tired out! No real reason, but the wet feet arent exactly pleasant. I've been too used to wearing my bike boots out in the wet, that I've forgotten all those years I trogged to school and spent a whole day with wet feet. Probably worked wonders for my soles - I never used to get hard skin - but it doesnt do to be reminded of it. Hopefully my shoes will air tonight.

Anyhow, I havent seemed to stop all day, which I suppose makes a change, huh? Plenty to be doing tomorrow as well, does you good to keep busy. I really, really want to finish up all this stuff pronto and get on with other things - but I doubt I'm going to be allowed to.

Some gossipy news though: housemate who is never here and comes home at weird times in the morning and never speaks to anyone - had a woman over last night! Wow! This is quite momentous, though she did fail miserably to sneak out of the front door at 7 this morning (and a sunday night it was too, tut tut tut). She reminded me a bit of Kath in Oxford actually, but obviously wasnt. And it also raises the issue of why people lock the door at all times of the day, when everyone is in. Most inconvenient.

Loving my Maureen Lipman book, but I've nearly finished it already! This is not so good. I'll be back on the cookbooks again soon.


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