Sunday, May 21, 2006

Odd little sunday

It has indeed been an odd little day today. Let's take it slowly with all attendant musings, yes?

Woke up not too early in a totally dozy mood. When did I stop being a morning person? Any rate, got up to have a lukewarm shower - one thing to be said for having to wait to use the bathroom, the water comes through nice and hot! - and then a bit of a rushed breakfast. Loving my little pain de brioches, shame I dont have the time every morning. Out for the first train of the day into town, for which a surprisingly large number of people were waiting at Headingley station (with suitcases, no less) and on the train itself. More strange was the return ticket to Headingley from Harrogate stuck into the back of my seat, for today. Why would you buy a return and then not keep the ticket? Most odd.

Trogged over to the WYP in the hope of some very nice cake, only to find out they were closed. Not too surprising for a sunday, huh? And certainly before 11 o'clock. Well, best laid plans of mice and idiots. Trogged back into town for Starbuttocks substitute, otherwise necessitated a much longer walk. Bang go principles in the face of Shank's Mare and a load of rain.

And now a note on the superfluous bathroom facilities. Borders/Starbuttocks evil twin-headed corporate nightmare, of course have toilets. And they are quite the most enormous gents you'd ever hope to find. I'm not talking here about cavernous jobbies in a railway station or concert venue - we all know they can be massive - but this is for a humble coffee shop facility. Normally you get a tiny little room with barely enough space to turn and shut the door, no? This place is big enough such that you could easily fit a four-poster bed into it. This in itself is no ground-breaking news, until you realise this church-like capacity is all for the benefit of one single urinal. Seems overly ambitious, no? Yes, there's also a single cubicle, but you'd have thought that some outfitter or other could have thought 'well, there's buckets of space, lets have another space to pee, saves people queueing. But no. Funny, huh?

But not so funny as the fact that, despite there only being a single urinal, there are in fact two sinks. Now, does this strike anyone else as odd? Seems rather excessive on the washing when only one person is allowed to pee at a time. Surely there isnt a bottleneck of people wanting to wash their hands, I'd have thought it'd take far longer for people to pee that rinse their fingers - and if I'm honest, most guys dont even bother (this from astute observation). Yes, it could be for the extra person coming out of the cubicle, but the rate of turnover of crapping vs peeing must be minimal, such that you'd ever need a second basin. Weird. Or is it just me noticing crazy stuff again?

By this time I felt compelled to make book purchases, so I did. Totally superfluous. But I am liking this one, anecdotage by Maureen Lipman. Funny lady, who I've actually seen on stage. Long time ago now, mind.

Into work, only to discover that my journey was in fact totally pointless, as NMR spectrometer had decided to crap out whilst trying to shim my samples, what an arse, and the one it managed to run was in fact so totally dilute or crap that there was nothing to be seen. Bugger. Determined not to have a wasted journey, I started collecting IRs, until that too decided to throw a wobbly and crash. Though in this case it's the software at fault, and I cant reboot the comp myself because I dont know the password. What a pisser. Still determined not to waste my time, a reaction was thrown on and a recryst of my suddenly-brown nucleoside was attempted, but my heart wasnt in it. Tomorrow will be a more hard-working day, methinks.

And as an aside, I've noticed that I'm grinding my teeth a lot recently. Why is this? Some odd disturbance to make me want to keep my mouth shut? Mad. Maybe I should do some proper relaxation thing, but I dont know what!!!!


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