Saturday, May 06, 2006

Near brush with death

Nearly had a close collision with some lady's bonnet this lunchtime, and partly my fault and partly hers. Overtaking the queue of traffic heading into town, she was pulling out from a side-street on the left to cross the road, a space having been left by a nice other motorist, and I came up the outside too briskly. Never mind, no actual touching, though did give me pause for thought! I shall be more careful in future, such things I should be spotting before they happen. Though it is immense fan, we more importantly aim for continued life!

Today has been a bit slow so far. Gorgeous morning to wake up to, with the sun and the green grass outside and the whole day to look forward to. Spent a couple of hours lazing about, just because I can, and then a shower and a headshave. Small nick on back of head, but that's because my razor is old! Fresh razors always better, but I'm used to using my Headblade and I've only gone one spare blade cartridge - and they cost me a lot to order in from the States! They havent tapped into the huge market here, which is a shame. And in any case, normal razors are also bloody expensive, no? The trials of masculinity and the removal of hair - because waxing your head would be an unbelievably stupid, not to mention painful, thing to do. Face will need attention this afternoon, but since I'm going for the more rugged look at the moment, I'm using trimmers and just neatening the edges. Which of course leads to small piles of hair on the carpet, but no mind! I may go for some funky-shaped sideburns again, like I did in the past. But this time not let them get too long and lamb-chop-like, because of my genetic dispostion towards ginger beards. At least when they are of length. And I escaped last time with no photgraphic evidence, so I'm damned if I'm going to let people have another shot at the embarrassing picture! Anycase, I think the bit of stubbly stuff adds immense character to my face. Despite the fact I seem to cause Patrick immense irritation with it. Still, that's what you get for being a poof, matey!

And along these lines, it's only just recently that I've looked at myself in the mirror and thought 'wow, you look like someone quite good-looking'. Now that sounds totally vain, huh? I'm a bit mortified by the idea, but I think I've become one of those people who suits age better. Which is good, since I'm only going to be getting older. Certainly when I was younger, I really couldnt ever have thought of myself as even slightly appealing to the same gender, whereas now I tentatively can start thinking it. Not that I'm typically handsome, you understand, or that I want to attract females in the street (god forbid *sprays self with woman-off*), but I'm perhaps heading towards someone I'd like myself. Narcissism, here we come. But to be fair, I only need to take up some kind of masculine sport and actually get some definition on my upper arms, and I'm a gay-boy's wet dream. Or at least my own, which is perhaps the more interesting thing psychologically. I've talked about this with people before, and it's a bit odd. Cue some kind of research effort into gender yada yada yada.

I'm most disconcerted by the fact I've run out of coffee. Admitedly it was only decaff, but it was there and it was mine (and a darn sight cheaper than drinking out). So I may have to nip out and get some before tomorrow, so that I can at least have a cup for breakfast. Not to mention the fact I am devoid of bread, fruits, vegetables, and anything that I really want to eat. So a shopping list shall be made and I'll brave the rain. Including picking up a dustpan+brush, since we dont have one, and it'll make sweeping up a lot easier. Having finally gotten around to doing some cleaning, I feel virtuous in the extreme. Nobody bloody else in this house ever does so, which I find more than a bit cheeky. And those kitchen and bathroom floors were, quite frankly, RANK. I feel a lot better for it, both physically, mentally and spiritually. But long gone are the days when I kinda slipped into Zen trances whilst sweeping. Ahum.

So that's your lot! A pedestrian saturday, with a little bit of cake (which turned out to be something quite different from the apple strudel I thought it was - no less nice, but I've no clue what it was!) and a little bit of domestic harmony, and a little bit of sitting about. Mellow.


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