Saturday, May 20, 2006

The magic is back!

Well, I'm most surprised. Momentous news is afoot!

I learned the perfect way to cook potatoes a few years ago, and had the magic for an age.....till for some reason I suddenly lost it. No explanation at all, I just could no longer cook perfect potatoes and ended up eating a lot of mash by mistake (not that this is a problem, since mash is veritable heavenly manna). This was most upsetting.

However, I now seem to have the knack back again! Hooray! No explanations for this either. I'm loath to believe it's the batch of spuds I've been using, since they have been the cheapest possible variety (and none of your perfect Pink Firs here), but it could any rate, I may suddenly turn into potato-man again, which is probably not a good thing either for my waste or for the seasonal vegetable thingy.....we're heading for new potato season! Have to start making salad again, if I've re-mastered my perfect cooking ability, what excitement.

Solanum tuberosum. Fabulous. I shall have to start investigating possibilities again, and maybe pinch the spud book back off auntie Joan....


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