Monday, March 13, 2006

The perils of using public transport to get to work

...means I'm now stuck here for another 20 mins or have to wait at the station in the freezing cold - which I'll be doing anyway since the train'll be late! Arse. But is it better than having to battle home on the bike? Probably. Just not from this end right now! Hopefully tomorrow will be less hideous and I can bike it in - but not if there's still snow about! I've learned my icy lesson.....

Of course, it does mean that I'm going to be very late home and will then have to do the washing up from saturday night. Having badly planned the time and needed to rush out on saturday night, I didnt do the pots and was in *no* state to be doing them yesterday, so I'll have to do them tonight before I cook! Well, I say cook, what will happen tonight is pasta'n'sauce. And then a second bout of washing up. Arse. Maybe I'll just go for the sliced bread option, I've got buggery shit loads of ham! But I'm kinda in the mood for summat hot......oh, the traumas of cooking for oneself!

Patrick's been really sweet after I sent him drunken text messages. Infatuation is now official. I hope I dont hurt myself.


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