Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A day, more like any other....

Well, a very, very slow morning demonstrating, there wasnt all that much to do since these little Ugrads are quite happy getting on with it themselves, all very nice. Though sometimes have to point out some obvious howlers, but they're pretty much screwed right! Which makes 3 hours drag, drag, drag....and I cant even nip off for a cuppa 'cos got to watch them.....though I may suggest to Mark a little cover for each other jobby! Would break up the morning, and I do get incrediblly thirsty in the teaching labs, they must have fierce extractor fans....but a nice bunch, my Ugrads. Very few of them now too, there's been quite a lot of drop-outs from this bunch, so space galore! Which also makes for less to do, since supervising fewer people.

Anyhow, had MAJOR caffeine headaches - which I did end up curing the easy way rather than riding them out, which is not good. But I've been flushing my system with the green tea, I was popping to the little boy's room all afternoon! Which I suppose is good, giving me kidneys a flush. Just have to have a big drink of juice again this evening. Nice.

Afternoon spent juggling paperwork, writing up lab book, filing spectra and collecting IRs. Also discovering that perhaps my compounds have decomposed, oh shit. Going to store them in the freezer from now on! Need to make up a label, and then whack them in. Cant have 'orrible brown mucky stuff going to be tested, no we can't. But I havent done any of my proper characterising, still need to do that - proper, like, dead hard NMR analysis of my sugars, not fun with sixty zillion indistinct coupling constants all over the place. Non-chemists: this is a bit of a bugger, hard-thinking work, and not fun.

Failed to book train tickets today, they dont like me at GNER it seems. But I'm heading off to Brighton for a weekend to go see Patrick, just confirming me as a complete idiot, but I feel it needs to be done in any case because it'll either get it out of my system, or the other (better) option, it'll maybe go somewhere and I can start thinking these stoopid thoughts for real. Y'all know what I mean, heh? I'm still a pillock, it's still 200-odd miles!


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