Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Irritating bloody housemate

Well, wonders never cease. Except in this case it's hardly a wonder. Gripes two, follows on hereafter.....

Gripe the first. Household bills? Makes sense for someone to pay them, no? Well, since I've finally taken it upon myself to do so, they're going to get done. So the famously negative one finally hands over the cash but wants a copy of the council tax receipt. What an arse; I understand that if they had the problems before he's covering his back (well, should've looked out more properly the first time, no?), but to just leave the bill lying there and make me get the receipt for him? As has been noted before, cant be arsed to do anything but it's always someone else's fault. Grrrrr......and to think he wanted to pay it separately in the first instance; well, why the arse havent you done so already, it's due at the end of the week! Despite the fact that we're all jointly liable, and so splitting the bill is not an option - since we've not got individual contracts.

Gripe the second. He seems to begrudge anyone anything these days. National Lottery funding that went to the Royal Opera House? For purposes of actually rebuilding the place and stopping it falling to bits? Well, he begrudges the subsidy of 'rich bastards' going to the opera. Well, I'll grant the fact that the prices at the ROH are huge, but the fact that such subsidy comes in at the lower end of the market so that the man in the street is able to go and see productions for a less than exorbitant price, seems to have escaped him. Or that he's condemning it, probably never having seen one in his life (which is breathtakingly parochial to say the least). Or that since subsidising a leisure activity is bad "when there are starving people in the world" that the same thing could be said for almost any of the other lottery projects. Or that lottery money isnt a charitable donation in the first instance, what with a 28% donation (that's 28p per ticket, people!) going to the selected causes; people dont buy lottery tickets to give to charity. And if he's so concerned about the welfare of the disadvantaged, why doesnt he sell most of his stuff and give the money away, or eat less and donate that portion, or use less sodding electricity and thus keep general prices down and hence have spare cash to donate - or even his OWN TIME to this? Well, no, that would be too much of a problem, and I can just guess his response to the idea of helping which is unbelieavably hypocritical, yet typical.

I really hope other people dont see me in the same light. Metta again tonight, must be done! Badly need to generate some good feeling to counteract all this negativity, I can feel the karma coming back to bite me in the arse as it is; not a good feeling. Maybe I should just go all poofter in front of the guy and really shock him. Hmmmm, that might be a good idea, dont think he could cope with anything so modern!

P.S. oh, and making milkshakes with just powder in a sodding blender? What the f*ck is that all about?


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