Saturday, March 11, 2006

*thunders noises*

Well, it's sometimes difficult to come up with titles.

Today has been a most fulfilling day, strangely enough! Let us start at the beginning, in that I am asleep. I'm asleep, having a dream about the Dalai Lama, of all people. I dont usually dream about religious figures or heads of state (in this case you get the 2-for-1 option), but this one was blatantly not the same Lama as Tenzin Gyatso, the current incumbent. Yet it was the Lama, and talking in a *very* heavy american accent about some shit or other. Only goes to show, he was probably telling me something incredibly important and all I can do is laugh to myself about his funny voice.

Oh well. Did make me think that though Avalokitesvara (the avatar of which Mr. Gyatso supposedly is) is supposed to be genderless, having incarnated as female in the past - Guan Yin, anyone? - it seems rather funny that *it* has reincarnated purely as male for the last 14 times. Funny, eh? Buddhism really can be more than a little misogynistic at times....especially what with the whole 'everyone has been everyone else's mother at one time or another', you'd think they'd have better gender credentials! Not in this case.

And as a sideline giggle, y'all go and type in 'ignorant bigots' into google, and have a nice shufti.

Anyhow, I've now got up and decide to use the last of the loo roll with impunity. I refuse to buy any more until someone else does, it's not fair otherwise and will set a trend of people not buying it unless I make a stand. Not being taken for a ride here! (I did later find that someone had put some kitchen roll in there instead, grrrr) And then out foody shopping. So much more fun at the covered market than in Morrisons, and some nice stuff bought to boot. I shall eat well this week! With two steaming cups of coffee, that made for a nice morning.

An afternoon ride-out through Shipley and north Bradford and back round through Harrogate was made slightly less fun when the weather decided to take a turn and begin to snow. Not so good. But I sat it out in Harrogate with some inferior cheesecake (more gelatin than cheese, methinks) and then came hope across the daletop through the high winds (fun) behind a pillock in a Beemer with has hand mysteriously clamped to the side of his face. I dont know how people can even begin to think they are driving safely like that, most irksome. But after this, nothing will surprise me anymore!

Just stopping in home for blog update and a swift liquid refreshment, then I'm going back into town for purposes of buying razor. Got to keep the fuzz in check, no? As my lab mate noticed this week, I've got a distinct red tinge to my fuzz, which needs to be concealed from the world - at least if it's stubbly you cant see the colour (and I look much more cub-able, which we like!)

Tasks for the coming week: posting thesis to be bound, and getting my passport renewed. But they have the most huuuuuuge form you have to fill out for that!


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