Monday, March 13, 2006

Better head

Considerably better this morning, though my tum feels a bit put out, bascially because I didnt feed it properly yesterday! Sure we can make up for that today with a plethora of cake-type items, as well as the fruity stuff I've got for the week. Nice. Not really looking forward to this morning, have got to have the boss-talk thing which is never very comforatble (took me sooooo long to get used to talking to Jeremy!), I'll live with it though. And then have the immense fun of doing my distillation, probably take me all morning what with having to play hunt the stirrer-hotplate!

Any thoughts about this weekend? Yes. First and most obviously is the one about excess consumption of alk, I'm sure my liver was bubbling away yesterday. I'm too old for all that lark now, what with being out of training too. No more booze beyond pint number 3 - which is more than enough for me to be right tiddly anyway! Second is that I should always have some crappy food kicking about for when I do get drunk, spent all day yesterday dreaming of tinned spaghetti. Rye bread is nice, specially the lot I've got which is flavoured with caraway, but as mong-food it aint so good! Thirdly, I should just relax a teeny bit more and not give a crap just a little bit more - because in the end, I'm only ever dithering myself into a nice little hole. Despite what I might think most of the time, I'm not actually the centre of everyone else's universe and should acknowledge it!

Phew! That's enough of that. I'm off to capture the bathroom before it gets monoploised for ages!


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