Sunday, March 26, 2006

More than words can say

I'm badly in need of one of those symbol thingies today. You know how Prince changed his name to a weird-ass squiggle sometime in the 90's, because it totally expressed his being and everything? Well, I kinda need one of those at the moment to express the weekend in its entirety, as words simply fail me. That said, it's not going to stop me making a mahoosive post right now in true rambling style, to get some of it across at least. Please bear with me, and also bear in mind that some of this is going to be quite personal and, if I run away with myself, more than a bit rude! Also full of the usual trash, though, so there may be some nuggets in here too......

Left work in a little bit of a hurry on Friday, things catching up with me very quickly in the later parts of the day! Had to leave my sample in the NMR tube over the weekend instead of vaccing it down (or is that with a 'k'? As it looks, seems like I've been abusing a cow), so it may be lovely, brown and decomposed by the time I get to it in the morning. Hope not. But nipped quickly to the station and bought a mahoosive coffee and the paper, to while away the hours down to Sussex.

I must here put in a little apology to several of our national rail companies. Everything as regards travel went smoothly this weekend, every train perfectly on time in an almost Swiss fashion, no mucking about and not ram-packed with people. So it turns out it's just Virgin trains that are a big pile of transport shite. Journeyers, take note: avoid Virgin services at all costs! Not only were these trains much nicer on the eye, they didnt waste precious carriage space with funky designed corridors (delightful to sit on the floor in surrounded by bags and crap), and somehow they had automatic doors without the pathological urge to clamp shut on whoever or whatever is within them at the time. In sheer delight I stood in such a door, taunting it to close on my foot, my shoulders, my head. It resisted. Bliss.

Made it to Kings X (which is so very much more salubrious these days to how I remember it from childhood - London looks so much better arriving there at Waterloo), marvelled at their new electronic signs and hopped onto the tube. Straight through to Victoria, nice and easy. And even onto the Brighton service without a hitch, which also left bang on schedule. Spent the last hour of the journey rapidly reading about radicals and carbenes (woooo!), and actually took in quite a bit, I think. I'll have to go back and read all this chemistry again, worse luck. Rolled into Brighton station promising myself that I wouldnt be naughty and run drunk up and down streets shouting rude words for genitalia, like last time. For that, I blame Jane - she always gets me pissed and up to no good. Didnt have a chance to do so this weekend though.

Patrick was waiting at the end of the platform looking just as I remembered, which is damn fine. I'm not going to wax totally lyrical here (mostly because I'll hate myself for it later, but also because it's dull to read), suffice to say I was grinning rather a lot. Despite being cacking-myself nervous and desperate for a pee (southern trains note: loos on your services would be good), managed not to ramble incoherently or discus shite or make noises for the sake of it. This is a good thing, mostly I'm too uncomfortable with people just to be quiet. Not so here.

Back to Patrick's, which is a very nice little flat, I'm incredibly jealous - why couldnt I find anything like that up here (answer: because you didnt really look, pillock) and he's not exactly flush at the moment either! - and talks and chats and trip to the corner shop and holding hands and much else. Good night's sleep too, despite the fact I woke up insanely early and couldnt doze for the life of me. Obviously still a bit edgy. P was a bit cranky for me getting him up too early, I think he's a bit of a night owl - but he doesnt know I was actually awake from even earlier! Never mind. I ended up paying for it at the end of the day by drifting off to sleep and snoring all over him. Most pleasant, no?

Saturday: weather was pretty grim for much of the day, and we ended up getting rather drenched on the walk home (not worth a bus trip). But we headed out to the seafront and basically walked along it the whole way from pier (broken knackered one) to pier (tacky OK one with fun fair and slot machines). Munched on waffles and doughnuts - you know, the deep fried ones with the insane amount of sugar? yum - and headed up through town not really stopping (no desire to shop or window shop, and rain is always grim) except for a quick coffee *grin* and a bowl of soup for me. P played a rather nasty little trick on me; I'd been carrying his wallet for a bit since he had no big pockets, but he'd taken it back after coffee and put it in his bag. I'd not really thought about it - why would I? - but he then asked me for it later and gave me more than a slight coronary! Anyhow, he had it all along, and was most grinsome with it!

A very nice evening stuffing self full of pizza. Watched a rather crap horror film about a woman trapped in Charing Cross tube (which is never empty of people, so no way it was going to get my belief suspended) and managed not to fall asleep! Was quite dropping off by this point, you see; but it did mean we went to bed then and I fell asleep all over P while he watched another film (which I'm going to have to ask to watch properly next time, it looked quite alright but I cant remember the name) and started snoring at him. He took it in rather good humour, I think, and then a long sleep in on Sunday morning - quite long since the clocks went forward, good job I remembered really or I'd still be on a train right now.

Sunday was very relaxed. P makes a mean breakfast - maybe he's had a lot of practice *grin* - and I discovered my jaw appears to to be very tender and painful to chew with. All a result from too much snogging, I think, but P is very snoggable. Didnt get up to much apart from talking and washing and pratting about, all good fun and very nice for a change, what I needed I think since I've been entertaining myself far too much recently. A recharge for the old batteries.

Trip home seemed a lot longer, but then I wasnt riding adrenaline all the way this time. Also discovered that train booking websites are more than a bit shit, since everyone I checked directed me via King's X on the way back and ordered a change in Doncaster (hideous, hideous station) when there's a service from St P's that goes direct. I mean, it handles the tube connections within central London, why not the idea that I could walk 100 yards up the road to St P's from King's X? And caught a direct service? Maybe it's a slower train, but saves the hassle of changing (and hanging about at Doncaster in the middle of a Sunday night *shudders*).

Now home and totally mellow, just missing a certain person very much and getting a bit irked my the hugesome piles of washing up just dumped about (so difficult to do it? very antisocial) but I'm not going to let it bother me too much. Been exchanging txts with P for a little bit - I really have to change my tariff - and now I'm going to go to bed, after brushing teeth of course! And you know, I'm not even totally nervous about the bike right now, it's been so good for me. I need more weekends like this. And I'm going to have them; I'm going to arrange to go and see people all over the place! Not seen some people in far too long. And of course go and see Patrick again.

So, the verdict is: yes, it's 200-odd miles, and I'm completely nuts. But a very contented nuts. With very contented nuts. (Well, I had to put something rude in after promising it at the start! For all you dirty-minded fans....)

See y'all on the morrow, when partially normal service and moaning will be resumed!


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