Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Looks like I'll have to watch what I say.....

Seems that more people are reading this gubbins than I thought! Well, good to know I have a wide readership, and it spurs me on to continue - and perhaps be less downbeat than I've been for a while. Life has been a little low of late, obviously it's my hormones. That and the 'it hasnt worked' rubbish of the past few days re: chemistry. There's no real reason why they shouldnt have worked, yet there you are......maybe have to retry with the tin and cope with diastereomeric separations again (note for non-chemists: this is a bad thing, enough to make an unhappy Jon-ster at any rate!).

Feel totally bloated after not so large dinner, but on top of cake-ness of the afternoon I'm rather full. Also rather short on the liquid refreshment, have to drink a lot of water or something because I've not really had that much over the past days. Dehydration = not good. Also need to go and make some lunch for tomorrow in a short while; must have plenty to eat tomorrow, can't be having cake again!

Dug open box of books and didnt really find anything for group meeting, so shall have to start internet searching tomorrow afternoon. I suppose it keeps me away from any chemistry, which is just depressing at the moment......but sorting out this group meeting seems to be that much more of a hassle, I cant be so slapdash this time around! Got to look like the business; even if it means making an idiot out of myself in the process.

Probably have a bath again in a bit, and maybe even *shock horror* venture out of the house on foot for purposes of getting something to drink. Or not. Seems like I'm not in the mood for spangly conversational droning this evening! Sure it'll come back to me soon. Mostly because I'm looking after the ickle Ugrads again tomorrow, which is always tedious in the extreme. MUST get some liquid for myself for that, I'm always dehydrated afterwards....perhaps an even earlier start than normal to get a jump on the stuff? Maybe. But I think that would be unduly harsh on myself, so I'm going to turn up a 9 and have done with it. No point in killing myself here, is there? Must remember that it's a job, not a lifestyle choice!


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