Wednesday, March 22, 2006

And a highly active day was had by all........

Achieved not very much today; demonstrating to Ugrads, always a laugh - I've become quite attached to some of them really, they're good people - and that's it for the rest of the year, really! No more demonstrating till October, and there are only two tutorials for me to give for the rest of the week! And that's my teaching over and done with for the while, unless they get me invigillating exams, which would be HELLISH to say the least....afternoon spent composing group meeting and having a little plan of what to do for the rest of the week. Obviously I'm leaving early on Friday for the trip to Brighton, for which I must be ready on Thursday night! Really looking forward to it now, maybe a little bit too much!

Last night had my first wheeziness since leaving Soton - probably because I went rooting through all my books and disturbed a load of dust. Not pleasant, but inhaler was at the ready. Must clean it out actually, didnt really get a good puff from it last night - and I must take it with me for the weekend, just in case. But brought home how much I appreciate being able to breathe properly!

Tonight will have to tidy up room a little, there are piles of laundry everywhere - both clean and dirty - and books and papers scattered.....jeez, but I'm a mucky bugger! Disorganised mind, disorganised life.....something about that perhaps? Maybe my room is actually highly mathematical and fractal, who knows? It's what I'll say if it ever comes to court......


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