Monday, March 27, 2006


Well, for some reason the temperature has soared overnight! Dunno why, but it was very warm this morning, I probably dont need the thermal inserts on my waterproofs but it's a pain putting them in and taking them out, so I'll just leave them for the time being. Lab is also very warm, feels a bit oppressive really (but it's probably still only about 20 degrees in fact). Much work being done today (not), with much day-dreaming going on. Idiot-factor today includes me deciding to acidify the wrong thing and realise I've added HCl to my important starting material of which I do not have very much. Luckily I've been able to rextract it, and the worst thing that results is that I've probably ballsed-up the diastereomeric purity of the thing (sugar acetal, lovely) but at least it didnt all go away! Idiocy factor blame I'm laying entirely at the feet of P, since I've been thinking about him all morning (*cynical Jon-ster vomits in a bucket*).

Mustnt forget to go shopping this evening, I've got almost no food in the house! But it'll be a pain in the arse really, what with the tidying up I've got to do; laundry remains on the floor, I've been slowly unpacking my books into a big pile and so either need to find a more permanent storage solution, or pack them all back up again, and not least I need to sort out my post stuff! Not that I'll be bothered, no doubt; life just goes like that! At any rate, with the clocks going forward on Saturday (which I remembered, for a change) I'll have at least a bit more daylight to play with when I get home.......

Better go and check on things again - and tomorrow I MUST do all the little administrative tasks that need doing!


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