Thursday, March 30, 2006


Hmmmmm, I was going to write loads here today, but since I logged onto MSN and got bombarded with people talking to me, I've forgotten what I was going to say! Had a nice talk to the nurse up here in Leeds, he's a funny one, and to the guy in York who I cant remember what he does but we've not spoken in ages......interesting mixed-bag! And of course Stuart, who nipped in and out for the briefest of chats again, I'll have to pin that man down sometime and get a decent conversation out of him!

Oh yes, I remember the momentous news I had to tell everyone - it's quite freaky! I actually felt totally well-disposed towards annoying housemate today! Got along rather well, it must be the lightness of the evenings lifting my mood - it's great to get home and still have some day left, rather than just murk and gloom. And nice to have a conversation where I didnt swallow steam from my ears and blow it out of my arse hopefully I've turned a corner and will be much more balanced from now on!


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