Sunday, February 12, 2006


My, there are a lot of 'Hand Car-wash'es in Leeds/Bradford! Well, more specifically Bradford, I've passed about thirty today just poootling about! They cant be having all that much to do, but to be fair all of them have had a team of six going at some motor, every one I've passed! Strange, eh? Maybe it's the new version of Hitch-Hiker's guide shoe-shops.....*shrugs*

Anyhow, Bradford. Must have been a once great city, it's got a lot of *inverted commas finger signals* architecture lying about. Unlike Leeds, quite strange that Bradford must have been the posher of the too, lying more westerly, and now it's a hole. So I'm told, the centre was totally deserted (what is it with northern towns and sunday trading?) but not completely ugly. Reminded me a lot of Berlin in a number of ways that I cant quite put my finger on. Except one. They've got a quarter of the town called 'Little Germany' which was a business district or something (I've got a good memory, I read it on a little green plaque) and I toddled over to it.....walking round a huge big building site in the middle of the city in the process. So Bradford does resemble Berlin, in that it's got it's very own Potsdammerplatz situation going on. Hopefully will be tasteful once it's finished!

Have thrown caution to the wind and bought myself a new lid, for the sheer joy of it. It's spangly and red and light as a feather, turning my head is a dream in it! Cant wait for a bit nicer weather when I can thrash down the M1 and really see this aerodynamic wotsit it claims to have. Not that I really need it, but I'm spending my disposable income the way I choose! Leaving me not actually anything to live on. Oops. Well, I'm not going to be doing any shopping this week anyway, since I'm coming to Southampton on Wednesday night. Starting to get very, *very* nervous about the whole thing. Meditation tonight, to give me a little calmness, I think!

Got to get up early tomorrow so i can get to work and prepare for meeting with boss, first official one. Not really got a lot to say but ooodles of ideas to talk about. There really arent enough hours in the day to do all the chemistry! Glad it's working so nicely, to be fair. And then most of tomorrow shall be spent eyeing up my thesis and doing paperwork, though I'd far rather be in the lab. Next position I go for will have to be purely research based, cant be having with this teaching lark!


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