Saturday, January 28, 2006

I love chinese supermarkets

Well, first exploration of Leeds has been made! That's just the city centre, though, have suburbs galore to pootle about yet.....

Anyhow, first port of call was for a coffee and some breakfast. Despite going shopping on Thursday, I managed to forget to buy the one item I needed: marg. So I've nothing to put onto my dry toast, and hence no breakfast. Hence stop off for a brew and an (horrendously priced) croissant. Nice.

Then headed for the Cornmarket, which is a nice building filled with diddy shops that seem to be on a nice racket. All independent, I think, with the kind of merchandise that goes with it; thing surfer gear, lots of beads and candles, odd rag-clothing and body jewellery. Lovely. Though I could have told that from the crowd of goth kids hanging about outside the front, really. They seem to turn up everywhere these days, and black isnt really the colout for this time of year (he said, wearing his black waterproofs).

Further investigation revealled Leeds covert market, with which I'm positively delighted! No actual deli, but about 3 fishmongers all in a row, butchers, a spice shop, veg shop, little scummy cafes (that are probably decent value and grub) and cheapy bins. Great! I think I shall take up shopping there, especially since there was once franchise with the most mahoosive cheese counter.....and as you all know, my addiction to cheese is only exceeded by my addiction to coffee. And there's the open market just outside, with the odd combination of more veg stalls, a stall selling lingerie (smalls out in the freezing cold!) and invalid carriages. Nice. Anyhow, this is EXACTLY what was badly lacking in Soton, take note people. I failed in the cheesecake hunt, but I'm told that there are more posh bakeries about Headingley and Chapel Allerton, have to investigate. And I assuaged my craving by having all-you-can-eat chinese on a student deal (fantastic that my card is dated till July!), even though I havent been paid yet and cant really afford it. Hope they've not buggered up my salary, I'll be majorly pissed off.

Trips made to various theatres to get onto mailing lists. Doesnt seem to be much on at the moment, may have to do the rounds of Wakefield and other places, though it appears that The Cruicible is on at The Cruicible (ho ho!) in Sheffield, may have to have a trip there. Wanted to see that for a long time. But the West Yorkshire Playhouse is exactly as I remember, and I'm itching to go there again. May do it this week just for the hell of it!

And now to the titled theme. I love chinese supermarkets, of which I found 2. Bought a big sack of rice (betting now opens for how long it lasts, 10lb, people) and some tea but there seems to be the usual collection of unidentified instant-noodles-in-MSG-sauce and odd packets of random ingredients. I'm an old hand at these places, though a quick scan of the freezer revealed something delightful that churns even my cynical stomach. A nice display, for your culinary delight, of frozen pork uterus, so labelled. Gorgeous.

I mean, what the hell is that all about?! They must be either slaughtering sows freshly delivered, or pregnant sows (what a waste of a piglet) or nicking them from the poor mother while she lays knackered and sweaty after popping a few out. Well nasty! No accounting for taste, but you'd have thought they might try and dress it up in a more appealing name, like they call bulls nadgers 'sweetbreads', like maybe 'flower of pork' or something. But no. A big white label with just 'pork uterus' slapped on the side, and the equivalent in chinese characters. Great.

Anyhow, a bit more exploring reveals not much more than your general shops (have to poke more another day), and 10lbs of rice on your back aint exactly light, so I've come home and shall nip out again just now to Headingley for another coffee and some cakey thing, if I can find it! Hope you are all on a good weekend.....


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