Sunday, January 22, 2006

Not quite so quickie

In fact, this may be a mammoth effort!

So, Friday was a good day, spent doing a column and feeling like an idiot because I've forgotten everything about stereochemistry. Never mind, sure I'll be up to speed quick as a wink! Have managed to make what I wanted and expected, so chemistry does work. Rest easy, people.

Friday night, I walk across Leeds to the station to get my train for the big journey south, with Steve in tow. Well, not really in tow. Steve is another post-doc in the group, who started just before I did, and we're going to be working on simillar things, so it's good that we get on. He seems a nice enough guy, and it turns out he was getting the same train in the morning that I did. Nice coincidence! Anyhow, he went off to meet his mate and I went and got my ticket.

OVER SIXTY pounds it costs you! I really should have thought about it in advance and booked, but I'm disorganised like that. But I shall be buying my tickets for viva travel, have no fear. Cant afford not to. Anyhow, having recovered from that shock, I ended up standing on the train all the way to Sheffield, as it was totally rammed and full of inconsiderate people. This is with a heavy-ish rucksack on my back, not fun. But at least I then got to sit the rest of the way, and finished my papers by about Coventry, so only had two hours of stultifying boredom to wait through. Never mind. Managed to time the arrival with unilink though, so got home without a long walk or expensive taxi.

My, the house has changed! Well, not so much, but it definitely didnt feel like I lived there any more, even if I left my posters (in the bin no doubt, but the blue nude was still on the kitchen door - my reminder of Liz!) and the bathroom reader and crossword books. Still, was strangely home without being home. Odd feelings. Still, I was totally knackered and made out my six feet of ground in my original room at the back. Strange, that. First and last night in the place in the same room, with two years of sleeping in another room in between. How I remember how I filled that room with all my shit! Whatever happened to it all? All the books it was, I think....never mind, eh? But one thing that made me very pleased, was that the message that was on the back of the door when I got there, left by Nathan - was still there! Nice bit of continuity, wonder how long it was there before I got there. So it's been there for nearly five years - and I hope it stays a bit longer too.

Well, I fall asleep only to be woken at 1am by Clare's friend who's been kipping over. No matter, I knew this was a possibility and I think he had the greater shock! *grin* Poor boy, had to sleep on the sofa cushions. Still, he's been living there for free by the look of it, so it's only fair. If I'd known I'd have made him pay my share of the rent.

Got up far too early in the morning - cant get used to this 'up before dawn' lark, roll on springtime - and had to pussy-foot around him including getting into all my waterproofs, then sneak out in the dark. Left my key behind also, which was very strange, not quite my last link to the place being severed. I'll miss it, longest I've lived anywhere apart from home. But I didnt really have too much time to consider it all, as had to be on my way. Not the time now for deep introspection on southampton, but I'm sure that will come. I'm going to miss the place, deeply.

On to the station and onto an earlier train than I expected. So far so good. Except that this train blows a gasket or something and we all get turfed out at Brockenhurst to wait for the next one! Typical. So I ended up on the train I was meaning to catch. Still, got me an extra cup of coffee in for my trouble. Onward to Parkstone, and then a rather overly long walk to the bike shop! I was fooled by yahoo maps, never mind. Anyhow, after getting very hot and sweaty (two layers under waterproofs, people) I finally picked her up and began the journey in glorious sunshine.

Lovely riding weather, though I've been permanently paranoid the entire distance that the electrics will blow again. A gentle trip first up from Poole to Ringwood and then the familiar road to Salisbury, where I stopped for what was going to be lunch at around half eleven. I like Salisbury, despite what some (Jo!) might say to the contrary, and I wish I could have spent more time there. Should have talked to Jo, really and met up, but no time, alas, alas. A quick scan of the market and a talk to the nice man with the Honda, then on my way with plans to stop at Marlborough and/or Swindon.

So much for plans. I ended up going through Marlborough without really noticing I had, and then thought 'sod it' after crossing the M4 and high-tailed it for the Oxford road, meaning to stop somewhere along there. Again, so much for plans, as I ended up getting all the way to Oxford with rather numb hands! Stopped on St Giles and nipped into Blackwells for a coffee. I'd forgotten how much I love Oxford too.....hmmmm, difficult to decide anywhere to live, huh?

Not much doing in Oxford, so I scooted onwards, avoiding the roadworks and making a rather massive detour out to the M40. Stopped at the services there and refueled, then onto the motorway for the first time! MASSIVE amounts of fun to be had crouching behind my little widbreak and twisting your wrist! Caned it up to mhy turning and then onwards to Northampton, where I stopped again for a rest.

Motorway riding, though fun, can very quickly become a) boring and b) cold. It's freezing, bombing along at a certain rate! Still, I think it proves that the bike is OK, even though I still had the worry all the way up.

From Northampton, an uneventful scoot up the M1 to Donnington, where I discover that there are no room s to be had, so onwards to Trowell, where there were. And the night spent just outside of Nottingham, being absolutely paranoid that my bike would get nicked. It wasnt.

Early morning start in the mist, heavy mist! Not fun, having to wipe the outside of your visor all the time, I think I need another application of anti-fog. Came off the m-way asap since it's bloody scary in the fog at the best of times, and headed around Nottingham to Mansfield. Now, I realise that it was a sunday, and early - but the place was entirely DEAD. I mean, completely, didnt even start to wake up by the time I left. sure it's a nice enough town, but it really was like stepping back about ten years or more. Bizarre. And it's not just there. I nipped up to Worksop for lunch and if possible, the place was even more dead. And this in the middle of the day. Found a very nice place for lunch though, a lovely roast (which I should try and do more often), and then onwards whilst getting lost to Doncaster. This enormous city also proved to be rather devoid of life, though at least there were some people! Another coffee, much phaffing to try and find a loo (see - not even those were open) involving yet ANOTHER coffee, and then onwards to Leeds, eventually getting home with the dusk.

All in all, about a 300-mile trip. Good going for a weekend! And what happens as I try and manoeuver into the little back yard? I bloody well go and dump my bike over. Nice.

Well, I was absolutely crapping it that I'd broken the very wing mirror I'd just had replaced! Luckily it only bent out of the way and scratched the casing (and the windscreen), but only goes to show. In my defence, the road out back is about 1 in 3 and I was trying to turn the bike to be running across the slope and through a narrow gate. Something that requires practice I think, and I'm not really game enough to try, tell the truth. So I think I may be parking myself down the bottom of the road (it's too steep to park on the road!) and chaining myself to the drains or lamposts. Hopefully this will be secure enough! May ask for opinions at work and the like - or scout out for people nearby who may let me use their (more accessible) back yards.

Get in, shattered, but not so shattered as to have a good long conversation with Matt, on wide-ranging subjects but mostly to include a comparison of notes on Brokeback Mountain. Fun. Erk, but I miss the guy! Alas, alas. Still, a little bit of time at home and a bit of rehydration and I'm good. Food has now been had, I just need to make lunch for tomorrow and get myself into bed, ready for the onerous task of getting the bike back out of the yard tomorrow! No rest for the wicked, eh?

Ummm, so there you have it. Next weekend shall be spent in Leeds, exploring! Not sure whether to just look around Kirkstall/Headingley, or attempt to do the centre of town too. Rather a lot to see, and bearing in mind it took me about a year to poke about much of southampton on foot and so feel at home there - and here's bigger! Wish me luck.

Enough - it's going to take ages to save this.....


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