Thursday, June 21, 2007


Feeling really tired just now; been a bit droopy all afternoon. I think I'm coming down with something, let's hope it's nothing too bad! I have too much to do tomorrow to be having with being ill.......

Mornings have been getting progressively earlier, though this is unsurprising. It being the solstice yesterday, or today, or whenever it actually is, means that days will become shorter and I will no longer be wakened by the flippin' dawn chorus and the light pouring into my face at half four of a morning. Not that I'm complaining unduly; I do like the longer days, just this is the first time that my sleep has been really badly disturbed by the early sun.....clearly my curtains in previous houses have been of much greater quality.

Mildly interested by the many and varied bikes that keep being parked up just outside. A couple of weeks ago there was a very tasty looking VFR, sunday night there was the beemer and the honda, the beemer of which had already paid a visit, and now there's a trailie parked outside. I'm deeply curious to know where the riders are! Purely for purposes of being nosey, you understand.

Tomorrow is finally the day of the great clean-and-MOT. Keep your fingers crossed for me, people....cant be doing with the stress if I dont pass! It'll take another trip to the garage otherwise, and that WOULD be a pain in the arse, what with the lonnnnnng walk to work, and the slighty less lonnng walk to the station. On that note though, I do need to start exercising again; meditation too - a long forgotten moment of peace that I need back again! So much for eliminating craving thereby, huh? Clearly went at it with the wrong attitude (:-)


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