Friday, June 15, 2007


Arf. Sometimes people and procedures just obstruct! This morning, BBC breakfast news has a small feature on the rising prevalance of eczema, especially among children. Now those of you that know me, know how personal this subject is, since it's something I have and deal with constantly. I'm very lucky really, that I can do the work I do with little side-effects, and that my condition is so much less worse than it used to be.

So, the feature is commenting on the increased use of strong detergents, perfumed products and skin exfoliants, damaging to the skin, yes. Far better to use mild soaps and not scrub, rather than removing layers and layers of the skin (as I discovered to my intense cost with the dead sea slat scrub, ta missus hard-sell). And this is the net result of the article. Some mother with a young son was wheeled out to discuss his condition, with the immortal lines of 'so, without mentioning any products, you did use.....products, didn't you?'



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