Thursday, June 07, 2007


Why are amateur theatre groups stuck in the 1960s? It's as if the whole development of modern theatre has passed them by.......fixed set in safe, sofa&2 locations can get very, very tedious....and nothing wrong with using a larger-canvassed piece and having fun! Makes it more interesting for the stories, epic stories (and not epic theatre, if you're worried), not just 'what happened to x/y/z on a sunday afternoon. And they seem to be positively frightened of 'wordy plays'. Erm....plays are supposed to be about dialogue and monologue, so ones without words would be a tad dull. And if you do it right, it isnt just about people standing around and talking, you act it completely. The best stuff is when the words are enthralling, even if the physical action is not. Shakespeare gets away with very little in actual events. In Beckett, nothing happens - twice. In Pinter, it really is all talking, and all these are great plays. Take a punt! If your actors are good, then it all falls into place......some of us want to do more than safe stuff.

'Nuff said. I'll be doing whatever comes my way at the moment.


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