Thursday, June 07, 2007

A nice surprise

Today has been a mellow day. I've enjoyed it. And there may yet be more to happen before it's over; I'm off to my theatre group lot tonight for jollies, let's see what plays are being slung into the pit tonight.

Had a bit of a bad sleep last night, like quite a few nights this week, dunno what's going on there, and had to use my inhaler for the first time in ages, but it was wonderful to just woof and drop right back to land of nod. I've been waking up shockingly early, since dawn chorus kicks in at about half four in the morning, waking me up since I've been having the windows open. And since my blinds are paper thin (I think they are, in fact, made of paper), no light is cut out at all, which is lovely for the weekend but not midweek. Oh for my dingy old attic room! Nah, not really, it's much nicer in this flat.

So when I did get up properly, I stuck my nose out the window to be quite startled at the sight of an enormous rabbit. In sleepy haze, I didnt' quite recognise it, and assumed it was the local cat that haunts about here, till I realised, no, cats do not have such enormous ears. It was a bit of a heffalump, not sleek and hare-shaped, definitely a domestic and quite porky. I let it go hopping away, didn't know what else to do; don't know if anyone around here has rabbits, was not about to go knocking on doors at 7am and what's more, rabbits have a tendency to scarper when you try and get near them. It seemed content enough.

Day at work commenced with the monthly jobber of the group-meeting-type
thingy with the questions and the feeling totally inadequate in a chemistry sense. Being around these nuts who've been working at this game far longer than I have is a very easy way to make myself feel like I know nothing, but nothing about chemistry. Have to remedy that by just pretending to be thick, then I might learn summat. But not too harsh, it must be said, and then a nice easy day of just getting on with things. I think I'm settled
in a chemistry sense, have all that I need and a very rapid turnaround on analysis, so it feels beautiful and streamlined. Need to sit and have ideas all of my very own, mind. But enough time for that when we get to it, huh?

Home to an enormous pot of pasta, heavy on the carbohydrate today, but I've been feeling hungry a lot recently; as P so delightfully puts it, I've got worms. So I've kinda overeaten now, which was not clever. Sitting watching the TV, there was a badly dubbed advert for Fruitella sweets (the poor man's Opal Fruit?) consisting of a child holding a rather chunky microphone, that in my usual haze of concentration I mistook for one of these jobbers. Made me laugh. It may even have been one of those jobbers. Life is often bizarre like that, huh?

And now I'm blogging and then will play WoW for an hour or so. A nice mellow day. I'm quite content (:-)


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