Saturday, November 11, 2006


A long time to go without blogging, no? Well, I'm back now and hopefully will manage a bit more than random tidbits.

Last week passed off with several late stayings at work. This could be consiered both a good thing and a bad thing; good, it means I'm enjoying my work - bad, it means that they I'm letting myself get a little bit used....anyhow, I should start thinking about getting a life of my own and stop living for two things only.

In related news, I've been entirely unhealthy. Not just the wheezy-coughing think, though that still remains, and not the dehydrative-caffeine thing, though that also remains. Likewise not the lack of exercising, though that too is a fixture. I'm talking about the diet, where my vegetable/fruit consumption sits at an all-time low. I need to shop properly on Monday (this will involve great discipline to leave on the dot of five) and enjoy cooking again like I used to. Though cooking is less of a pleasure when a gale blows into the back kitchen owing to cracks in the wall (still not fixed, though we are at least having them propped up and the insurers coming to look at them now).

Jobs remain unapplied for. I shall remedy this on Monday also, because it is getting to the point of silly. There's about 5 months left that I have to work (though this will probably be possible to extend a little, though with the living arrangements I'm less sure!), and so badly need something else to move onto afterwards. Admitedly, my inertia on this subject is entirely that - mine. And so I'll have no-one to blame but myself when I'm unemployed come May. Still, this might be preferable to continued rejection, no? I never did hear back from the ICR re: jobs. Have to get onto it all as pronto as possible. This unfortunately means a lot of extra work with the reading and the mugging and the presentationing. All the kinds of thing that I absolutely detest.

One thumbs-up for the books, and many thanks to Cath for giving me a buzz on Friday with the boss comparison (I get that it was meant to be nice!), a very nice glow to be had from realising that, actually, I do know something about what I'm doing and am not just blagging the whole affair.......

This weekend is being spent with P, so I dont have to make my usual comment of 'mope-y missing him'-ness, but I thought he should get a mention anyways....

Back to work on Monday for a new set of little darlings in the undergraduate labs. This means that the academic year is almost a third over already, not sure what to think about that one apart from OMG, doesnt time fly; and I shall turn over a new leaf with as many different things as I can bear, but too much too soon would be a problem. If I try to start morning meditating again, I shall be satisfied enough, but this could entail a change of routine. We'll just have to see, all over......


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