Sunday, November 05, 2006

Wheezy and depressed

Nearly an almighty cock-up of a weekend, with both my sister and I thinking it was Gran's birthday do on Sunday (on her actual birthday), whereas it was the Saturday. So I was late. And didnt get to do any of the town-pottering I wanted to do. Never mind. But it the sudden rush to the train station, I also forgot my inhaler and have spent a very nasty wheezy night last night. Always seems to happen when I go home, dont know what's going on there, though it could be a stress thing.

Train service back home also leads to depression, since it involves a 50 minute layover at leeds central which, though a nice enough station, isnt nice enough to be hanging around in for long periods of time. Even when intently people-watching with the glummest expression.

Back home now, and all seems to be well after a puff of drugs, but I think that I've got an out-and-out cold that'll be bubbling over for the next few days or so.....which means I'll have to drink loads of water and grease my nose up!

Tomorrow will be really nasty, what with 1-person tutorial (well organised there) and afternoon of manic demonstrating/marking. Have to take a bevvy of pens, and a piece of paper for a name list! And begin the whole job applications thing once again......


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