Friday, November 03, 2006

It is the way of the world

So it is. I must have been extra-special tired on Wednesday, not to have blogged anything yesterday. But there you have it. It's been a tiring week.

Today has been a real mixed-bag of a day. First I want to say that I'm loving the new housemate, we seem to get along easily enough and it's fun so far. No stretch of effort or anything. And now onto the other side.

Freezing. Today has been. Bollock-retractingly freezing, and not fun. At the best of times this isnt good, but really wasnt this morning as my bike refused to start. I think I've worked out what the problem was now, but this morning I had to run around like the famous headless chicken to get to the station to get a train, and to work at a sensible time. All calculated to throw me completely. Ah well.

Quiet at work today owing to 2/3rds of the lab being away. This was good. Work is always too busy, and you cant use half the stuff you need. And have to dodge around people. And not have any desk space. But today was lovely for getting on with work! Nice.

This evening was spent having my first pint of beer since I grew my beard again back in May. This is a long time, but I relished having froth in my 'tache again, a simple pleasure that is one to enjoy. And then to a fireworks display, very pretty. This however did not stop me desperately needing to pee, most unpleasant. And then home.

To test bike, guess what? With a massive backfire, it starts at the first attempt. What an arse. So I learn not to use silly amounts of choke at first attempt. Ah well, I know now. And now quick dinner and bed. See you tomorrow!


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