Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another day

Sore throat again, owing to more teaching today. It is kinda fun in a strange way, but also not in the slightest. Day feels like it has been wasted, mostly due to lack of working materials supply at work which means nothing can be done (by me at least). Should really take this opportunity to do my job applications, but that is so much like a chore. But I will do at least four of them this week, or I can no longer have self-respect.

Dithering by Steve at work has been put to rest, I'm glad he's finally made a decision because things like this are never nice to have hanging over you. Does however bring home to me my need of work searching! Unfortunately I can easily see myself coasting along and winding up doing a shit job, just because it takes less effort. So much for burgeoning promise as a youngster, eh?

Really annoyed with the darkness of the season, really makes me down.

Suad's paper published today, made up for you that you got it done! Pat on the back. Must go and visit all that old lot at some point.....*sighs whilst dipping his biccie in his tea*

Not really a cohesive post today. More effort shall be made to bash together something proper tomorrow. Need to get back to my Greek-wagon too.


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