Thursday, September 28, 2006


I'm a sucker. Today has been full of stuff to do. Let's kick off from the start!

Early morning in as per, more delicious waffle items to nibble first thing. So nice, in fact, that I ate five out of the six I had, thus destroying any chance of making breakfast out of them tomorrow. Never mind. They were very nice. On with the day's work, quite successful all told, and I'm well on the way with many things - but I now have far too much to be doing tomorrow, since I'm leaving early-ish to catch a train, so I'll need to be super-organised but not actually achieve anything! Arse.

But the biggest moment of the day has just happened. I'm a sucker for cats when they come and talk to me and are all 'mewl', and there's one on the street that came and rubbed itself all over my hands and around my boots. It's blatantly got some kind of skin issue since you can see where it's recently been shaved all down its back, which just makes it even more endearing and lovely. Makes me just want to break down in big blubbery man-tears, hardly something to be doing in the street. Dont know why it affects me so much.

Feeling very hungry now, and have had train of thought broken by phone call from P. So I'm off for now!


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