Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Early evening

Well, maybe not quite so early. I'm sat here blogging whilst listening to it rain outside, less than pleasant for tomorrow.....but I'm also mildly fuming....

Ex-housemate was all about coming to collect post this evening, so I told him to come round about half eight-nine-ish to get it, so that I'm not left staying up for his benefit. As yet no sign. And I leapt out of the bath early so that I wouldnt have to do the whole 'naked-answering-the-door' thing, which is always a drag.

Have also discovered that my sneezing is highly amusing. Well, get me. But whilst on this topic, does anyone else get quite the same thrill out of sneezing that I do? I'm sure it's an urban myth, but I've heard tell that if you sneeze seven times in a row without time to pause, you drop dead. Wonder how they did double-blind trials on that one. But there's a lovely feeling you get by sneezing, something that isnt quite the same if you hold it in (for which I have to hold my nos these days)....or am I just being strange again?

Tomorrow holds the delights of another early rise and more work. Arse. But there remains the prospect of waffles once again, something that eases the pain.....


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