Saturday, August 19, 2006

Ready, steady, cuisine

Well, that was an experience.

Just home after a night of exciting, novel and altogether hurried cookery. Worth doing again, I think! To explain, I've been to a ready steady cook evening, whereby some people get given random ingredients by other people from which to create delightful edibles within a short time frame. As you can imagine, some efforts turned out to be more successful than others, but on the whole, most impressive. Another confirmation of the popular rumour, that chemists are also by nature good cooks.

Also a rather unexpected turn to the evening involving Mr. Cordier, I never knew you cared *licks finger in his best Nigella Lawson fashion*, but everyone else will be getting jealous unless I pass more of it around. At least it amused someone - but I think a lot of people didnt even notice! Dear oh dear.......but to repeat what I mentioned in passing, I'm A Big Boy And I Can Take It.

Also had the chance to taste some Birnenschnapps - that's pear-flavoured alcohol to you, chummy - which was not too bad though very potent and warming of the chest in a 'is it heartburn or is it good' kind of way. Not something I'll be repeating though, I think!


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