Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Dodgy guttage

In no uncertain terms is this the case. I've been to the loo about ten times today, and it has not been pleasant. Quite the reverse in fact, and it obviously isnt down to the eggs of the weekend. Oh no, it must be items I have been eating since. Please let it not be the caraway seeds! I have a nasty suspicion that it's the coffee, though. Whatever, it's not been amusing, no sur.

Work has wound down almost to a standstill, owing to a solvent supply issue. It is very much a problem, which means I now have a dilemma on my hands. I can either go to work as per usual and sit around doing jack shite (because I cant achieve anything without any lovely solution-making stuff!), or I take a bit of time off, and sit at home doing jack shite. Neither is a particularly pleasant option, 'specially since the solvent issue may be solved quite quickly. Hmmmm........on the other hand, I could remove myself from the solvent-quota issue, leave any spare drops for them as wants, needs a lot of it pronto and have the whole day off. It's tempting. Though the weather forecast for tomorrow is bloody awful, so even a day off riding is likely to be out of the question. Dammit.

What to do, what to do.....


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