Monday, May 01, 2006

Tut tut tut

I've not been keeping this up-to-date of late, have I? Shame on me! Well, here we get a little bit more rambling.

The rest of the weekend has passed at a very slow pace. Having gotten home ridiculously late on Saturday night (how DARE other people be queueing for a taxi when I need one), I slept in all of Sunday morning, and woke with nothing more than the desire to go straight back to bed! Still, dragged myself up to perform ablutions and little bits of feeding, but basically spent a lazy day in a small trough of depression, which seem to be occuring with regularity these days. Good job I know they dont last, but it does give me an insight into chronic depression, something I'm very glad not to have. But I did get to do a lot of thinking, which I've now promptly forgotten (;-) but I think I've made a decision to myself that I'll be moving back to the south as soon as I possibly can. And hopefully this will include some form of job. Today however I paid in some money to my account (ooooh!) and spent the middle of the day drinking coffee and reading the noooospaper. Fun. And a little scoot around on the bike, but not much. Also spent money on Bill Bryson book, and roasted myself some dinner - which was not brilliant, but very nice. I miss not having lots of roasting dish space! But I can finally cook parsnips without feeling the need to kizzen them completely - even if it really isnt the season and I should be dining on nothing but spring lamb. I wish.

And so it's back to work tomorrow. Not going to be fun, and I think I'll end up taking at least half a day to get back into the swing of it, and check all the stuff and re-jig myself into a mind-set! Better start getting arse into gear too, with getting things done to my name; and looking for other jobs too! It never ends, it never ends.....


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