Sunday, April 30, 2006


How utterly depressing. Yes, I know it's late - well aware of this fact! And walking home from the station because there was the biggest f-off queue for taxis has not improved my mood, in fact probably initiated it because it appears I'm not comfortable with my own company just at the moment; meditation urgently required, but knowing me and my past record.....

Anyhow, a quick blast through the events of the day. A lazy start to the morning, and then a train ride to Manchester. Glorious sunshine, which really makes a change, and all in all a very good day weather wise! Nice to see my aunt again, dont think we've met face-to-face in a good long while. But considering my current track record of seeing the family, this is hardly surprising. She's changed a lot from what I remember, but again this is hardly surprising. Manchester, however, resembles nothing so much as a completely different city - nothing is in the same place, sure someone's been playing an enormous game of shuffle with the road map. A good walk around in the sunshine and the discovery that there is in fact a cathedral in the city (there was the clue, huh?), but it's a mini one, and a nice lunch. Handed over book for rapid devouring, and then off to meet Baz.

Bless the boy, but I think he's not keeping up with himself this weekend! Seemed very tired, but that could just have been a late night yesterday or too many afternoon beers today. Whichever, he didnt seem to well. And was rather later arriving than expected (:-/ which gave me plenty of opportunity to observe a bit of life on Canal Street.

Now Canal Street, as many of my readers will be aware, is more than a little bit gay. And completely hammered home to me tonight was how utterly obsessed by uniform the gay community at large tends to be. I dont think I'm one to talk at the moment, but there's a shocking lack of individual flair. And I'm not talking about the disco bunny set here, but the more bearish and certainly more bullish sections are apparently even more rigid in their codes of behaviour. Something I find utterly, utterly depressing. It's a real shame. The individual has been lost somewhere along the line, and it only confirms to me why I've never gotten along with the scene. Never mind, huh?

Anyhow, nice to catch up with Baz, but perhaps not worth all the time I spent shivering in the cold! Should have gone and nestled inside, but there you are. Never one to take the easy route, am I?

Spoke to Patrick on the phone, and it's becoming harder ever day to be away from him. But it does raise all these horrible questions I dont want to answer about what I'm going to do in the future.....the scary, nebulous future........


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